6th International Week of the Basic Income

The International Week of the Basic Income will take place worldwide from 16 to 22 September 2013. For its 6th edition, the week of basic income will focus on raising awareness on the European Citizens Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income.

People in Europe are not only threatened by falling living standards — many are already affected. Fear of the future reigns, politics is divided, nationalistic attitudes emerge, not only since the crisis, but since the early 2000s, when the system of minimum security deteriorated in the European Union. The struggle against cuts and workfare may not be addressed by traditional demands: Unconditional Basic Income is a much-needed counterbalance to these developments!

Proponents of Unconditional Basic Income in 22 Member States of the European Union have joined their forces to make this week of basic income a major event a wide and strong call for a more social Europe.

It will also be the opportunity to promote the European Citizens’ Initiative for Unconditional Basic Income and help collecting one million signatures to force the EU to take steps in the examination of basic income as a way to emancipatory welfare conditions in the EU.

Sites organizing  a Week of the Basic Income:

Germany, Switzerland, Austria (German language)

Netherlands, Belgium (Dutch language)

French/Belgium/Switzerland (French):